Pitch Prep: Hear Founders Perfect Their Pitch

Tune into round two of Pitch Prep sessions for earliest-stage entrepreneurs. In 10-minute blocks, founders will pitch their venture to a panel of investors, engage in Q&A, and take relevant audience questions. Learn about new startup ideas and hear investor feedback in real-time.

Yasmin Cruz Ferrine
Co-Founder & General Partner, Visible Hands
About This Event
September 19, 2023
3:32 pm
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Day 4
3:35 pm

Ask Me Anything: Product Leaders

In this AMA discussion, circle up with expert Product leaders. Get to know the product folks in your group, and come away with different perspectives, new ideas, and a fresh sense of camaraderie.

Day 2
2:26 pm

Leading Change: Brain-Friendly Change Management Strategies

Change is now the norm. We live in an era where an organization's capacity to change quickly and effectively is pivotal to its survival. The challenge? Our brains resist change and crave certainty. In this workshop, learn science-backed strategies to help companies and employees adapt, accept, and commit to change.

Day 3
3:15 pm


Head to your next breakout session.

Day 5
4:30 pm


Head back to the main stage for the closing session.

Day 5
4:45 pm

General Session: Founder Fireside Chats & Core Awards

Tune into fireside chats with prominent founders, Core Award announcements, and some last notes from Underscore VC before you start mingling at the after party.

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